Razvalve Pacific draws on 30 years+ of experience in the placement and progress of valve orders in Australia and overseas, especially in Asia.
We know the value of independent third-party witnessing of the procedures, quality control, testing, material and MTR’s, painting, etc, well before they are accepted and shipped.
We recognize the need for hands-on monitoring of orders placed with manufacturers in emerging economies.
We have agreements with highly-qualified and proven inspectors and expeditors in third-world manufacturing countries, especially China, India & Taiwan, and maintain hands-on supervision of all third-party inspection and expediting with regular visits to these locations. Specific foreign-country visits can usually be arranged for urgent contracts within 3 days when required, at reasonable rates.
Razvalve Pacific can relieve you of difficult and expensive manufacturer audit, quality assurance, witness testing and total control of procedures necessary to ensure on-time shipment of valves and other piping system components, to industry standards and specified additional requirements.
We have inspectors based in China (Shanghai, Wenzhou, Yancheng, Tianjin, Suzhou, Nanjing), India (Chennai, Coimbatore), Taiwan, and carry out inspection, assembly & testing of packages & expediting anywhere in Asia.
ITP’s (Inspection & Test Plans) prepared to meet customer requirements and negotiated with all parties for final agreement before quotation submission and order placement

Razvalve Pacific provides experienced hands-on expediting of orders placed on Australian and overseas suppliers, combined with inspection and test witnessing, or as a stand-alone service.
All expediting reports fully documented and furnished within 48 hours of completion.
Sub-supplier expediting as required, with access methods not always available to ordering company.
Long standing associations with a range of primary and secondary suppliers opens doors and ensures optimum results

Vendor Data submission
Preparation of vendor data packages to meet customer’s MDR requirements, using documents accumulated by valve project suppliers, for major contracts.

Razvalve Pacific offers a complete design and supply service for actuated and instrumented valve packages.
Or – design and assemble only, if you wish to supply your own valves and actuation.
Proposals supported by high-quality preliminary drawings, and completed orders with as-built drawings prepared on latest CAD system